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Western Australian Ice Skating Association

Coach Authorisation for testing

Athletes must seek an authorisation signature from their main coach on a completed "Test Registration Coaches Authorisation form"  before  considering registering for a test session.  The completed form must be uploaded with your registration for your registration to be deemed complete.

Tests (National ISA Tests)

WAISA holds test sessions on most months of the year. There are some months when the test session is not held due to schedule conflicts with competitions or availability of judges and availability of ice time. 

Test applications must be made online, entry is considered successful upon receipt of payment. Entry is based on a first come, first served basis and will close automatically once maximum capacity has been reached.  Maximum Capacity is calculated by the available ice time and estimation of tests expected.  
Test sessions fill quickly, WAISA does not offer a wait list, if you were unsuccessful on your registration you will need to wait and try again when the next test session opens.
If a test registration closes prior to the advertised cutoff date and the schedule permits time for additional spots WAISA will reopen the registration process after advising our members 24hours prior.

Applicants must be an approved full financial member of WAISA at the time of application to enter a WAISA Test. Members from other Australian state associations will be considered if their home association endorses the application and if there is room in the session. WAISA members have first priority. 

Any applications received who are not members of WAISA and ISA will be returned, and the application will be deemed unsuccessful.

There is a 28 day wait requirement between failing a test and re skating the same test Pattern or Technical program.

View Music Test Requirements Test Registration

For test requirements please refer to the Testing section of ISA website. 

Test Dates can be found under the Tests Menu or by clicking here

Test Prices 



Tests will not be held August through to December.  Dates and times are subject to change.

Test applications will open at 12.00pm 28 days prior to the test date and close 12.00pm 16 days prior to the test date.  
Applications must be received by WAISA by the closing date. 
The application period may close once the test session has reached capacity and no further applications will be received.

Applicants must be fully approved financial members of WAISA and ISA as at the test closing date.  Any applications received who are not members of WAISA and ISA will be returned, and the application will be deemed unsuccessful.  No refunds will be offered.

Application for withdrawal from a test should be in writing accompanied by a medical certificate for consideration by Council.  If the application is successful, 50% of the test fee will be refunded to the applicant.  For further information, refer to WAISA Policy 004.