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Western Australian Ice Skating Association

Officials Training

Are you interested in learning how to become a technical panelist or judge? If you answered yes then we want to hear from you.  WAISA will be holding a training day for new judges and technical panel soon. Click on the link below to fill out the Offical Information Form. We will provide further details and contact you soon about the upcoming training sessions.

Officials Information Form 

Test Dates

Test Dates 2025

Test Date Venue Membership application submission cutoff date
February 22nd Saturday 5.00pm- 7.00pm Rink 1

Membership application approval cutoff date 21st January

March 29th, Saturday 5.00pm – 7.00pm Rink 1

Membership application approval cutoff date 17th February

April TBA Rink 1

Membership application approval cutoff date 

May TBA Rink 1

Membership application approval cutoff date 

June TTBA Rink 1

Membership application approval cutoff date 

July 26th, Saturday 4.45pm – 7.00pm Rink 1

Membership application approval cutoff date 16th June

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Competition Results

Historic Results

Below are links to archieved results. Competitions before August 2022 are archived below. The Full list can be found here.

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Competition Dates

Competition Dates 2025

Competition Date
Les Latham Artistic competition

Sunday March 30th 


Saturday May 31st & Sunday June 1st

Winter West

August Saturday 16th & Sunday 17th 

Spring Challenge and WAISA State Championships

October Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th

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Event Volunteer Roles

WAISA, A Volunteer-Driven Organization

Key Volunteer Roles and Descriptions for WAISA run events.

The Western Australian Ice Skating Association (WAISA) is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to promoting and supporting ice skating activities in Western Australia. The association plays a crucial role in organizing and facilitating events for its members.

Relying on Volunteers

WAISA heavily depends on the dedication and enthusiasm of its volunteers to operate smoothly. Volunteers are the backbone of the association, ensuring that events are well-organized, run and enjoyable for all participants.

Facilitating Events

Volunteers at WAISA take on various roles to ensure the success of events. These roles can vary in duration, from as short as 30 minutes to as long as 2 to 3 hours, depending on the specific needs of the event. The flexibility in volunteer opportunities allows individuals to contribute according to their availability and capacity.

Impact of Volunteering

Volunteering with WAISA not only supports the local ice skating community but also provides volunteers with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. It fosters a strong sense of community and allows volunteers to build new skills and connections within the ice skating world.

WAISA is always looking for enthusiastic volunteers. Whether you have a passion for ice skating or simply want to contribute to a vibrant community. Your participation helps to ensure that the association can continue to thrive and provide valuable experiences for its members.


  • It is recommended volunteers wear warm closthing in layers (hat/beanie, scarf, gloves,jacket)
  • Enclosed footwear is mandatory.
  • volunteer periods can vary depending on the role volunteers wish to nominate for.  Time periods can be from as little as 30 minutes up to 2 to 3 hours. So plese let us know if you are available for longer periods.

Information required for Key voulunteer roles:

  • Name, phone number and / or email address
  • Role you are available for or wish to nominate for
  • WWCC (if oveer 18yrs) where applicable
  • Details of confilicts of interest if any
  • Event(s) availabel to volunteer
  • Dates & Time available
  • Preferred roles


Event Registration (minimum 2 people at all times)
  • Registering competitors as they arrive at the rink for official practice or competition.
  • Distribute any competition information, programs, certificates, goodie bags, etc.
  • Collect backup USBs.
  • Manage photography & video permits.
  • Act as a runner to communicate any issues.
  • Pass on information regarding withdrawals and no-shows to the Announcer & Referee
Announcer / Music Operator (one person does both jobs)
  • A script can be supplied for each event.
  • Follow the running order & do not deviate from the script unless instructed to do so by the Technical Officer, Accountant or Referee
  • Receive cues and instructions from Referee and/or Accountant.
  • Announce event details, panels of Officials, skaters’ names for warm up, notifying skaters of specific times in the warm up (eg. one minute remaining in singles) and end of warm up, announcing the name and club/state/country as appropriate during the competition, announcing delays or changes to the schedule, announcing times for presentations, announcing spectator instructions, and announcing anything requested by the Referee.
  • Announce presentations.
  • Must pre-read scripts and entry lists to ensure pronunciations can be clarified prior to the event if required.
  • Play music in official practices and warmups as directed.
  • Play music when the skater is at the starting position.
  • Adjust music louder/softer as required ONLY if instructed to do so by the Referee (may be via the accountant)
  • Follow instructions from the Referee in the case of any adverse circumstances or interruptions.
  • DO NOT stop the music once started unless instructed to do so by the Referee.
IJS Video Camera Operator
  • Video the skater(s) as they compete for the IJS feed.
    • It is very important to get the whole body, especially the feet in the frame.
    • Zoom in and out as the skater moves up and down the rink.
Time Keeper
  • use a stop watch to time programs
  • the competition referee will explain what they require from each volunteer.
Gate Marshall - Entry to Ice
  • Open and close gate to allow skaters to access the ice.
  • Open and close gate to allow flower retrievers & sweepers to access the ice.
  • This role may also be combined with the Event Marshall role for singles, pairs, and ice dance events.
Gate Marshall - Exit from Ice
  • Open and close the gate to allow skaters to exit the ice. This is for synchronized events when the exit is not the same gate as the entry.
Dias Set up.
  • Set up medal podium and carpet (carpet only for on ice presentations)
    • This requires 4 able-bodied people to lift and move the carpet and Dias to the presentation area which may be on or off ice.
Dias tear down
  • Move medal podium and carpet back to the storage area.
Media Wall set up and tear down.
  • This requires a minimum of 2 people to put together the WAISA media wall for the kiss and cry area and/ or behind the podium for presentations.
  • Tear down of the media wall at the conclusion of presentations
Medal Presentation
  • Set up certificates, medals, trophies, perpetual awards, etc. for presentation.
  • For off ice presentations, be able to support or read names of place getters one at a time (3rd, 2nd, 1st), award medal/trophy/prize.
  • For on ice presentations, prepare the medals, certificates and gifts and hand to the presenters to award to the skaters.
  • Presentations for International competitions, Championships & Champ Series events should be made by the Event Referee & Technical Controller


These volunteer roles are specialised roles and require some level of training. 

Officials’ Stands Set Up and Dismantle
  • Set up of IJS system ready for competition start.
  • 2 volunteers are preferable for this position.
  • Tear down of IJS system upon conclusion of event.
  • Training is required and can be provided for those  interested in this position
  • knowlage of the program element abreviations is essential
  • confidence to speak clearly over a headset is prefered
  • Training is required and can be provided for those  interested in this position
  • Training is required and can be provided for those  interested in this position

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State Banquet

WAISA State Banquet

The State Banquet is booked so grab your tickets to the party!

Join the celebrations!!

  • State Team Announcement
  • Most Improved Awards
  • DJ
  • Photo Booth
  • Buffet Dinner
  • Cash Bar
  • Sunset at 6.50 pm

 For all enquires email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Register here

  • Where

    Fremantle Sailing Club, 151Marine Terrace, Fremantle

  • When

    Novemeber 11 @6:30pm

  • Cost

    $0 for Spring Challenge and WA State Championship Competitors

    $85 for athlete supporters

  • Registration

    If you want to attend, you must register individually (even synchronized skaters).

    Click the register button below


    Login to your membership. Register yourself (quantity 1). If you were a competitor at the 2023 Spring Challenge or State Championships – you will receive your ticket free!

    Additional tickets are available for purchase during the registration process.

    State Championships – you will receive your ticket free!

    We would love to see you if you are a 2023 WAISA Member – even if you didn’t compete. Why not also register someone fun to bring – maybe your entire family – or even your coach! They have to pay $85 so have a credit card ready!!

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WAISA Livestream

Welcome to WAISA Livestream. All livestream competitions are available on the WAISA Youtube page

Social media links (including YouTube) are located at the top and bottom of the WAISA website. The livestream(s) are embedded here for your convenience. At times, we experience technical difficulties. If a drop out occurs visit the YouTube page where the stream will be restarted.

Attributed to Youtubes strict copyright robots, livestreams are sometimes blocked. To work around this, the stream is sometimes uploaded again under Videos on the WAISA youtube channel.

Spring Challenge and State Championships Day 1

Spring Challenge and State Championships Day 2

Next Competition to stream - State Chapionships 2024

  • Divisions will include all singles divisions, synchronised divisiosn, dance and all adult divisions

Where: Cockburne Ice Arena

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Australian Masters Games

WAISA is proud to announce the Australian Masters Games to be held in April, 2022

Please email your completed Planned Program Content (PPC) form along with your music in MP3 format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 17th April 2022

Please name your files as follows -

PPC - Division_Name_PPC   eg. Bronze_Fred_Smith_PPC

Music file - Division_Name_RunTime    eg Bronze_Fred_Smith_1min40s

Planned Program form (PPC)

The Australian Masters Games - 23rd to 30th April 2022.

WAISA is proud to support the Australian Masters Games. Created by the Confederation of Australian Sport in 1987, the Australian Masters Games is a week-long festival of sport that brings together weekend warriors from around Australia, and the world, to enjoy an extensive sport and social program.

The Australian Masters Games will take place from Saturday 23 April to Saturday 30 April 2022 in Perth, Western Australia.

In support of the Australian Masters Games, WAISA is proud to host the Figure Skating event to be held at Cockburne Ice Arena scheduled for April 28 - 29. The event is inclusive of all adult levels. For more information visit the Australian Masters Games website.

Proposed Dates for 2022

  • Singles and Pairs: April 28-29
  • Synchronised: April 28-29

Information relating specifically to figure skating, including skating disciplines, age requirements and pricing, can be found under the sports section on the Australian Masters Games website.


The preliminsary schedules has been released. Visit the schedule page here

This page will be updated as new information is provided.

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